Monday, 19 July 2010

All is well following my fall

Today, I awoke to a frosty morning and clear blue sky – a pleasure to behold. It was one of those great to be alive mornings. I set-off on a walk, and after about a hour, I became aware of a regained freedom of movement that was pain free, and wonderful. I extended my walk to 4 hours and arrived home feeling at ease, and ready to take on another project.

It was Sunday 23 May 2010 and the final day of my 1,290-km journey. I was within sight of Cee (a stunning town on the Atlantic Ocean) and descending a rather steep hill with a tricky loose slippery surface and deep ruts caused by erosion. I had my camera ready to take some snaps of Cee but my view was obstructed by trees and scrubs - I turned to the right to face a gap and my feet shot out from under me, and I landed with a thud - awkwardly, and strained the muscles and ligaments of my upper left leg to the knee and beyond and somewhat less the right one, and damaged my camera in the bargain. The pain was excruciating. Of course, at this point, I only had some 20-km to complete my coast to coast journey and the affects of the fall could not stop that. I hobbled into Cee with my wonderful Spaniard companion and stopped at a bar for some food and drink and swallowed some Ibuprofen capsules to ease the pain.

Within two days, my upper left leg took on the full spectrum of the colours of the rainbow, and the need for rest was indicated. I heeded that advise and avoided strenuous walking and also sitting meditation. However, after some three weeks my leg had not healed and sitting meditation was out of the question. Anyhow, I persevered with a much reduced walk and meditation programme - until this morning. All is well!

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